Amigurumi Airplane Free Crochet Pattern

Hello amigurumi lovers and beautiful visitors, I wanted to share the free amigurumi patterns for you here. In my article I will share 1 pattern and how to make it for you. At the end of my article, I will share amigurumi patterns that can generate ideas for you.

sbn – single crochet
PSN – half double crochet
SSN – double crochet
C2H – double crochet
pr – increase
prPSN – increase from half double crochets
prSSN – increase from double crochets
3prPSN – 3 half double crochets in one loop
3prS2N – 3 columns with two crochets in one loop
dec – decrease

The author knitted the airplane in closed rows in the way shown in the video. But this is not essential. If you do not like this method, knit as you like.

Fuselage (body):
1. 6 sc
2. (pr) x6 (12)
3. (1 sc, inc) x6 (18)
4. 18 sc
5. (2 sc, inc) x6 (24)
6. 24 sc
7. (3 sc, inc) x6 (30)
8. 30 sc
9. (4 sc, inc) x6 (36)
10. 6 sc, inc, (11 sc, inc) x2, 5 sc (39)
11. 39

Now it is very important to monitor the symmetry of the part: groups of triple increases should be located strictly in the middle of the part. If your canvas has shifted slightly, correct it with variations of the first and last single crochet stitches: for example, the diagram indicates (8 sbn …… 8 sbn), and you need to slightly shift the beginning to the left, then you knit (9 sbn …… .7 sbn ) or even (10 sc……6sc). In total, this group should give 16 sbn, and how you manage to distribute them there – be guided by the situation)

12. 8 sc, inc, 7 sc, inc, prPSN, inc SSN, 3prS2N, prSSN, prPSN, inc, 7 sc, inc, 8 sc (49)
13. 12 sc, inc, 11 PNS, 3prPSN, 11 PSN, inc, 12 sb (53)
14. 4 sb, (inc, 4 sb) x2, (5 PSN, prPSN) x2, prPSN, (prPSN, 5 PSN) x2, (4 sb, inc) x2, 4 sb (62 )
15. (5 PSN, inc) x2, 6 PRS, (prPSN, 4 PSN) x2, (prPSN, 2 PSN) x2, (prPSN, 4 PSN) x2, prPSN, 1 PSN, (5 PSN, inc) x2 , 4 PRS (73)
16. 15 PRS, inc, 6 PRS, (prPSN, 8 PSN) x3, prPSN, 6 PRS, inc, 16 PRS (79)
17.-26. 79 sbn
Decrease should be in the middle of the part!
27. 39 sc, dec, 38 sc (78)
Watch for symmetry!
28. 21 sc, (dec, 15 sc) x2, dec, 21 sc (75)
29. 21 sc, (dec, 14 sc) x2, dec, 20 sc (72)
30. 14 sc, (dec, 5 sc ) x6, dec, 14 sc (65)
31. 65 sc
32. 10 sc, (dec, 5 sc) x6, dec, 11 sc
33. 58 sc
34. 58 sc
35. 7 sc, (dec, 5 sc) x6, dec, 7 sc (51)
36. 51 sc
37 51 sc
38. 11 sc, (dec, 5 sc) x4, dec, 10 sc (46)
39.-42. 46 sc
43. 8 sc, (dec, 5)x4, dec, 8 sc (41)
44. -47. 41 sc
48. 5 sc, (dec, 5 sc) x4, dec, 6 sc (36)
49. -52. 36 sc
53. (4 sc, dec) x6 (30)
54. -57. 30 sc
58. for the back half loop: (3 sc, dec) x6 (24)
Here you can insert a hard circle so that the stuffing does not stick out later.
59. (2 sc, dec) x6 (18)
60. (1 sc, dec) x6) 12)
61. ubx6 (6)

Overlay under the eyes:
Knitted in turning rows
1. 7 sbn in KA, ch, st (7)
2. inc, prPSN, prSSN, 3prS2N, prSSN, prPSN, inc, ch, pt (15)
3. 6 PSN , prPSN, PSN, prPSN, 6 PSN, ch, p-t (17)
4. 4 PSN, prPSN, 3 PSN, 3prPSN, 3 PSN, prPSN, 4 PSN (21)
Tie the bottom of the part ss.

If the overlay is small, you can increase it by tying an additional row in an arc with single crochets or half crochets. If the part will fold, make an increase in the middle of the arc.

The muzzle can be pulled a little: for this, between the 11th and 12th row, make a stitch on the right and bring the thread to the left wing, so that later you can hide the tightening point, tighten the thread, fasten. Do the same from the left to the right wing.

Sew on all the details, focusing on the photo, or as you like more.

Wing (2 pcs):
1. 6 sc
2. (pr) x6 (12)
3. (1 sc, inc) x6 (18)
4. 8 sc, inc2, 8 sc (20)
5. 20 sc
6. 9 sc, inc2, 9 sc (22)
7. 22 sc
8. 22 sc
9. 10 sc, inc2, 10 sc (24)
10. 24 sc
11. 11 sc, inc2, 11 sc (26)
12. 26 sc
13 12 sc, inc2, 12 sc (28)
14. 28 sc
15. 13 sc, inc2, 13 sc (30)
16. 14 sc, inc2, 14 sc (32)
17. 32 sc
18. 15 sc, inc2, 15 sc (34)
19. 16 sc, inc2, 16 sc (36)
20. 36 sc
21. 36 sc

Upper part of the tail:
1. 6 sc
2. (inc) x6 (12)
3. (1 sc, inc) x6 (18)
4. 8 sc, inc2, 8 sc (20)
5. 20 sc
6. 9 sc, inc2, 9 sc (22)
7. 10 sc, inc2, 10 sc (24)
8. 24 sc
9. 11 sc, inc2, 11 sc (26)
10. 26 sc
11. 26 sc

Lateral part of the tail (2 pcs):
1. 6 sc
2. (inc) x6 (12)
3. (1 sc, inc) x6 (18)
4. 18 sc
5. 18 sc
6. 8 sc, inc2, 8 sc (20)
7. 9 sc, inc2, 9 sc (22)
8. 22 sc
9. 10 sc, inc2, 10 sc (24)

Feel free to tag me (@freeamigurumii) in your photos on Instagram or Facebook if you’d like!

All Finished.