Amigurumi New Years Toys Free Crochet Pattern

Hello amigurumi lovers and beautiful visitors, I wanted to share the free amigurumi patterns for you here. In my article I will share 1 pattern and how to make it for you. At the end of my article, I will share amigurumi patterns that can generate ideas for you.

KA – amigurumi ring sbn
– single crochet
VP – air loop
CCH – double crochet
ss – connecting column
pr – increase
dec – decrease

Base (the same for all toys)
red thread:
1. 6 sbn in KA
2. Inc * 6 (12)
3. (1 sbn, inc) * 6 (18)
4. (2 sbn, inc) * 6 (24)
5. (3sc, inc) * 6 (30)
6. (4sc, inc) * 6 (36)
7. (5sc, inc) * 6 (42)
8. 42 sc for the back wall of the loop
9. White thread: (13sc, inc) * 3 (45)
10. Red: (14sc, inc) * 3 (48)
11. White: 48sc
12. Red: (15sc, inc) * 3 (51)
13. White: (16sc, inc) * 3 (54)
14. Red: 54sc
15. White: 54sc
16. Red: 54sc

With green thread:
17. 54 sbn behind the back half loop
18. (16sbn, dec) * 3 (51)
19. (15sbn, ub) * 3 (48)
20. 48sbn
21. 48sbn behind the back wall of the loop
22. (14sbn , dec) * 3 (45)
23. (13sc, dec) * 3 (42)
24. 42sc
25. 42sc behind the back wall of the loop
26. (12sc, dec) * 3 (39)
27. (11sc, dec) * 3 (36)
28. 36sc
29. 36sc behind the back wall of the loop
30. (10sc, dec) * 3 (33)
31. (9sc, dec) * 3 (30)
32. 30sc
33. (8sc, dec) * 3 (27)
34. (7sc, dec)*3 (24)
35. 24sc
36. (6sc, dec)*3 (21)
37. (5sc, dec)*3 (18)
38. (1sc, dec)* 6 (12)
39. dec*6 (6)

Ruffle on the 17th row , we knit for the front wall of the loop: We place the
tree with the top towards us.
2 VP, in the same column 5sn, then in the next columns 3ss, then repeat in a column with the third connecting column 2ch, 5ssn and so on until the end of the row.

Rusha 21,25,29 rows:
In each column 3sc

Head-body (deer / dog)
Brown / beige thread:
17. 54sc for the back wall of the loop
18-25. 54sc
26. (7sc, dec) * 6 (48)
27. (6sc, dec) * 6 (42)
28. (5sc, dec) * 6 (36)
29. (4sc, dec) * 6 (30)
30 (3sc, dec) * 6 (24)
31. (2sc, dec) * 6 (18)
32. (Sc, dec) * 6 (12)
33. dec * 6 (6)

Muzzle for a deer
Beige thread:
1. 6sc in KA
2. dec * 6 (12)
3. 2sc, 3 inc, 2sc, 3inc, 2sc (18)
4. 18sc
5. 2sc, dec, 6sc, dec, 2sc (16 )

Nose for a deer
With red thread:
1. 6sc in KA
2. inc * 3, then we do not finish the row, leave the thread for sewing.

Ears for a deer (2 parts)
Beige thread:
1. 6sc in KA
Brown thread:
2. inc * 6 (12)

Horns Main part (2 parts) 1. 6sc in KA 2-9. 6sc

Side part (2 parts)
1. 5sc in KA
2-3. 5sc

Muzzle for a dog
1. 6sc in CA
2. inc * 6 (12)
3. 2sc, 2inc, 4sc, 2 inc, 2sc (16)
4. 2sc, 3inc, 6 sc, 3inc, 2sc (22)
5. 22sc
6 3sc, 2dec, 8sc, 2dec, 3sc (18)

Ears for a dog (2 parts)
1. 6sc in KA
2. inc * 6 (12)
3. Turn knitting (turning row) 2 sl-st, 1 dc, 3sl-st, 5sc, 1sl-st
4. Turn, 4sc
5. Turn, 3sc
6 Turn, 2sc
7. Turn, 2sc

Feel free to tag me (@freeamigurumii) in your photos on Instagram or Facebook if you’d like!

All Finished.